Hannah Louise Jones

Age: 21
University: Bangor University
Studying/Course: German and Spanish
Year of Study: 3
Languages: English, German, Spanish

What are you doing on your year abroad?

On my year abroad I am studying in both Spain and Germany (Spain in Semester 1 and Germany in Semester 2) and alongside my study I am discovering local history, culture and of course, learning the language. I have been discovering traditions that are very different from my own and learning a whole new way of life! I have made friends from all over the world; in particular, I have friends in different Spanish speaking countries (such as Chile and Tenerife) and it is fascinating to hear the similarities and differences between the cultures, traditions and even variations of the same language! I have been talking to local people and sampling the local food to really immerse myself in the Spanish way of life and look forward to doing so next semester in Germany!

Read my blog....